Kaid Benfield Archive


Cool video: Dan Burden on building walkable, complete streets

Kaid Benfield

Posted October 23, 2008 at 5:00PM

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If you do what I do for a living, you know Dan Burden's work.  He is a walkability guru with virtually unmatched eloquence and knowledge of the subject.  Here's a great video (just under 4 minutes) of Dan giving a slide show on how to convert dumb streets into smart ones: 


The video is excepted from a longer lecture given at the Commonwealth Club in San Jose earlier this year.  The longer version is even better than the excerpt, but lasts about an hour.  You can enjoy it here, and even use a chapter index to shorten it by going immediately to a portion of Dan's talk that grabs your interest.

Thanks to Trisha White for pointing me to Dan's video.