LISC webcast on climate change, smart neighborhoods, and sustainable places

Posted October 12, 2008 at 7:45PM
One of my favorite organizations, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, hosts webcasts from time to time, and on Wednesday at 2pm eastern the subject will be smart, sustainable community development. I will be one of the panelists. Here's the official info:
Sustainable Places, Smart Neighborhoods
Latest Trends in Rebuilding Vibrant Places
2008-2009 State Policy Webcast Series
Climate Change, Smart Neighborhoods, and Sustainable Places
Have you ever wondered about the connections between neighborhoods, community development and climate change? How do neighborhoods influence global warming and could climate change be a part of strategies and workplans for vibrant communities? Join Natural Resources Defense Council and LISC for an informative and stimulating webcast to look at the dynamics of global warming and neighborhoods - the issues, cross strategies, common partners, win-win results, funding, and examples of neighborhoods that are making a difference for both whole communities and global warming. This information-packed session features some of the best experts in the country and promises a format with lots of time for interactive questions and discussion.
When: October 15, 2008
2:00 - 3:30 pm (eastern)
Panel: Kaid Benfield - Natural Resources Defense Council
Miquela Craytor - Sustainable South Bronx
Julie Seward - Moderator
Who: CDCs, smart growth advocates, community partners
I believe the session will be archived on LISC's website and, when it is, I will post a link. If you would like to join or watch/listen to the session live, post a comment and I will be delighted to get the log-in information to you.