Making a worn-down place into a smart, hospitable neighborhood

Posted April 7, 2009 at 3:18PM
While preparing for a presentation, I was reminded that smart growth can and should be implemented step-by-step, and neighborhood-by-neighborhood. It also should be built at a scale and character appropriate to the setting.
For example, here's a photo of a run-down street in Fayetteville, Arkansas:
Begin with infrastructure improvements: sidewalks, street trees, and a median. It's already better:
This invites some mixed uses to come in - shops with offices above (note the gas station remains, but no longer fronts the street):
As the neighborhood improves, some restaurants and stores with apartments above come in on the near side of the street. This in turn brings people to the walkable environment:
With this block now improved, the block behind can come next, with appropriately scaled, three-story buildings:
Finally, finish it off with a roundabout and monument to anchor the neighborhood with a sense of place. It's still a small-city environment, but much more walkable and inviting:
Working with our partner, the visualization wizards at Urban Advantage, NRDC has placed 70 such step-by-step scenarios, all precisely located on Google Maps, on our web site, Picturing Smart Growth. We also include a little contextual information on the metro regions where the sites are located. The scenarios demonstrate what the future can be. Please visit!