Really fun short video about sprawl and urbanism

Posted May 11, 2009 at 1:36PM
OK, the rhetoric is occasionally over the top, but that's part of the fun. This little three-minute film, which won a contest sponsored by the Congress for the New Urbanism, is really entertaining:
Here's a bit more about the film, which was produced by the team of First + Main Media from Julian, California and Paget Films from Buffalo, New York. (Brief quibble: as a lover of language, I do mourn the apparent death of the subjunctive mood, and of the distinction between "less" and "fewer," in this film and elsewhere. These guys slap bad grammar across the screen as if they don't know, which they probably don't, and don't care, which they probably wouldn't even if they knew. But that's just me. It's the visuals that make it work.)
CNU is using the film to promote its annual conference, "CNU 17," which this year will be held in Denver on June 10-14. You can hear my friend Victor Dover and all sorts of other smart people wax eloquent about their very interesting visions for our cities, suburbs, and planet. Go here for the details and, if you register by next Thursday, you can get a discount.