US transit cities in-the-making

Posted June 19, 2009 at 1:41PM
Grist has an informative and fun read, written by Jonathan Hiskes and Katharine Wroth, on "the best US transit systems you never knew existed":
"As cities big and small rethink how their residents get around, new systems are taking shape-and as gas prices and paychecks fluctuate, riders are responding in droves. While the current economic crunch is forcing many cities to hike fares and cut back on service, innovations continue, and the tracks are laid for a bright future.
"Here are a few surprising places where public transit is gaining speed . . ."
The list of highlights includes Phoenix, Richmond, Denver, Salt Lake, Charlotte, LA, Cleveland, St. Louis, Orlando, and Grand Rapids, with some great images (Richmond above, courtesy of GRTC Transit System) and narrative. Readers are also invited to leave their own examples.