Ventura video illustrates planning for connection, walkability, quality

Posted November 8, 2010 at 1:28PM
This short video very nicely illustrates the why, what and how of a 21st-century planning strategy for the city of Ventura, California. It's all about building connections, taking advantage of vacant properties' redevelopment potential, creating walkable neighborhoods, avoiding conversion of agricultural land, and respecting the environment.
One of the things I like best about it is the way it illustrates visually the transformation of places from dumb to smart with a very cool combination of moving and static images. From the planning web site The Open Space:
"'This mode of communicating in the land use marketplace will likely see a surge because it conveys so much more than the typical 30-page land use plan,' says Bob Wall of FW Focus. The use of photo-morphs in their videos, where intersections transform themselves with pedestrian friendly improvements or stylish new corner developments in the blink of an eye give the public – who may not be adept at distilling land use plans or construction drawings – a real perspective on compelling urban design."
I agree:
Transforming Ventura from FWFocus on Vimeo.
The mini-documentary was produced by the Southern California Association of Governments and the City of Ventura, working with Fregonese Associates. I've been impressed for a while with some of the thinking going on in Ventura, about which you may learn more by going here.