'Urbanized' the movie - looks promising

Posted September 29, 2011 at 1:32PM
This new documentary about cities, planning, and architecture really looks promising. Christopher Hawthorne writes in the Los Angeles Times:
“The film, which premiered this month at the Toronto International Film Festival, features interviews with the architects Rem Koolhaas, Yung Ho Chang, Alejandro Aravena and Ricardo Scofidio along with mayors, activists and planners. It is both a love letter to urban life and a cautionary tale about what happens when more newcomers crowd into a city, or the slums on its outskirts, than the place can begin to comfortably absorb . . .
"Urbanized ranks among the smartest recent analyses of mass global urbanization and its discontents. Think of it as a cinematic version of The Endless City, the book that Ricky Burdett (who plays a significant role in Urbanized) and Deyan Sudjic put out three years ago. Even as it races around the globe and through centuries of urban history, Urbanized manages to keep from feeling overcrowded with ideas or talking heads. It is intelligently edited to keep its own density, in other words, in check.”
The film also features urbanist hero Enrique Penalosa, former mayor of Bogata, and shows Grover Mouton, director of the Regional Urban Design Center at Tulane, taking on (with reason, in my opinion) the unorthodox, experimental architecture of Brad Pitt’s foray into the Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina.
I’m really looking forward to it. Here’s the trailer:
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