For Halloween, the Duke and Duchess of LEED

Posted October 31, 2011 at 6:06PM
This comes from Lindsay Scherr, the daughter of my longtime colleague Jacob Scherr:
"For our local Hallowgreen Party, Jon and I braved the rain in our handmade costumes made out of whole foods bags, duct tape, tissue paper, garbage and shopping bags as the Duke and Duchess of LEED. Jon and I came up with the idea 3 months ago, but spent most of the weekend before the event putting the costumes together. I wanted to be Royalty, and Jon wanted to use recycled materials because we were attending the USGBC’s annual Hallowgreen Event. This was our compromise. Jon is the chair of the Palm Beach Branch and an expert in LEED for Neighborhood Development. We won $100 in the costume contest, which we donated to the Palm Beach Harvest. I got a free membership to the USGBC for another year! Yay!"
Quite the couple, no?
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