Have yourself a merry TRANSIT Christmas!

Posted December 16, 2011 at 1:28PM
Union Station, Denver (by: John Giez, creative commons license)
Continuing a bit of a tradition on this blog, here are some really fun photos of holiday festivity on public transit and rail systems. You'll notice some themes, including the Chicago Transit Authority's famous Holiday Train, and the amazingly photogenic holiday train from Canadian Pacific railroad, which not only crosses the length of Canada but also dips into the US at times. Both the CTA and CP trains support those enterprises' work to collect and distribute food to the needy.
You'll also notice a lot of Santas.
CTA's Holiday Train (by: thirdrail/Tony, creative commons license)
The CP Holiday Train (by: Di Benard, creative commons license)
Santas head underground in NYC (by: Eric Jaeger, creative commons license)
Streetcar Christmas in San Francisco (by: Telstar/Todd Lappin, creative commons)
Left: The CTA Holiday Train (by: Devyn Caldwell, creative commons license)
Right: The CTA Holiday Train (by: paradem/Mairead, creative commons license)
Santas rock the subway at Grand Central (by: Sam Berlin, creative commons license)
Left: DC's Union Station (by: Meta-Man/Ahmed, creative commons license)
Right: CalTrain in San Francisco (by: Telstar/Todd Lappin, creative commons license)
The CP Holiday Train (by: Bench Just Because, creative commons license)
The CTA rounds a curve (by: Devyn Caldwell, creative commons license)
Left: Streetcar Christmas, San Francisco (by: Telstar/Todd Lappin, creative commons)
Right: Bus Stop Santas, San Francisco (by: Lynn Friedman, creative commons)
The CP Train makes a music stop (by: Di Benard, creative commons license)
The CTA Holiday Train (by: Devyn Caldwell, creative commons license)
The CP Holiday Train (by: Eric Begin, creative commons license)
Many thanks to these great photographers for licensing their work for noncommercial use. For more photos like these, see my holiday transit posts from 2009 and 2010.