Community memorials to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (photo essay)

Posted January 17, 2011 at 1:39PM
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I try not to repeat myself - at least not literally - on this blog. I of course frequently revisit subjects, but only very rarely do I re-run an old post. I haven't done that today, either, but I was seriously tempted, because something I ran here last October relates directly to Dr. King, whose life we celebrate today, and the civil rights movement of the 1960s. It was about the restoration of an Alabama neighborhood:
"Along that historic march route in Montgomery is an obscure block called Caroline Street, for decades the site of barracks-style public housing projects that in recent years have been closed, boarded up, and beset by arson. It’s a badly disinvested neighborhood in need of the kind of help that shows respect for its history while providing a better living environment for its residents . . ."
All I really did in that post was add some context and illustration to a terrific personal essay by Karja Hansen, who was involved in the neighborhood planning. If the subject interests you, and I hope it does, today might be a good day to take another look, which you can do by going here.